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Stages of Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a chronic, progressive disease. As a result, there are specific symptoms associated with its progression. Many nephrologists (kidney specialists) use a standard classification system to describe these common symptoms and stages.


Many symptoms are associated with what is known as the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR). According to the Foundation for IgA Nephropathy, the GFR is the rate at which the kidneys filter waste and relates to a patient’s “kidney function.”


Stage 1: Signs of mild kidney disease but with normal or better GFR (greater than 90% kidney function)

Stage 2: Signs of mild kidney disease with reduced GFR (indicating 60% to 89% kidney function).

Stage 3: Signs of moderate chronic renal insufficiency (where the GFR indicates 40% to 59% kidney function)

Stage 4: Signs of severe chronic renal insufficiency (where the GFR indicates 15% to 29% kidney function).

Stage 5: Signs of end stage renal failure (where the GFR indicates less than 15% kidney function).

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